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February 7, 2021

Allergies are reactions that result when the body's immune system overreacts to something in the environment that normally should not evoke such a response. These substances are normally harmless. This could present as itching, running nose, sneezing, watery eyes etc. There are various substances that can cause allergic reactions and are called allergens. These allergens can be inhaled eg pollens, ingested eg peanuts, seafoods or they could be contact allergens.
There are certain tests that can be carried out for these allergens. It involves exposure to a tiny amount of the allergen and noting the reactions. It helps determine the particular substance one is allergic to and aids treatment.
Before such tests are done, a good consultation with your doctor is important. They will most likely stop any previous treatment you are on prior to the test. The test can either be a skin or blood test. The skin test can be used for inhaled, ingested and contact allergens. Blood test are mainly used if there is a severe reaction to a skin test.

If you have allergies and you think you need an allergy test, book a consultation with our specialist who will help you determine what test is suitable for your type of allergy before we carry out the test.


PDO Thread For Acne

January 27, 2021

PDO (polydioxanone) threads are absorbable sutures that are safer alternatives to some procedures. These threads can be used to treat acne scars, lift sagging skin and also wrinkles.
It works by smoothening, tightening and it also plumps the skin. Threads are used in the treatment of acne scars by reducing the depth of the scars.
It gives a glowing skin as they get absorbed and have a long lasting effect.
Result will begin to show almost immediately and it gets better with time.
There is little or no downtime with this procedure.


Juverderm Ultra 4

December 30,2020

Juverderm ultra 4 is the most popular dermal filler in the world. The filler is a sterile, pyrogenic-free, physiological solution and contains hyaluronic acid. Juvederm ultra 4 injection is a popular procedure used for filling any deep depression of the skin via deep dermis injection, as well as lip enhancement and cheekbone augmentation. It is used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles mainly around the lips and nose. It helps refine or contour the area


Plantar Warts

December 27, 2020

Plantar warts affect the bottom of the feet and are caused by a virus called Human papiloma virus( HPV). The warts can be painful and cause discomfort when applying pressure to the foot while walking. It is seen as a circular flat spot on the skin and may be crusted. Plantar foot pads are used as a home treatment for plantar warts. It is quite easy and comfortable. The pads contain concentrated salicylic acid. It has many benefits which include waterproof cushion, it is really comfortable, easy to apply and removes warts from the feet

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Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

February 17, 2020

Hyperhidrosis simply means excessive sweating. Sweat glands are distributed all over the body but are more numerous in the palms and soles. It can be a great source of distress , discomfort, anxiety and embarrassment. It mainly occurs on the armpit and the palms and soles of the feet. Usually the nervous system triggers the release sweat in order to cool the body during sweat but in hyperhidrosis there is increased or over activity of this system. The most common cause is unknown. Other causes include illness or medications, Other conditions that can cause it include diabetes, thyoid disease, some cancers etc. Options for treatment include antiperspirants,medications, botox. We offer botox injections and iontophoresis for hyperhidrosis in those in whom antiperspirants are not helpful. 



August 28, 2017

Acne is a common skin condition causing pimples on the face and upper torso. It is caused by a buildup of dead kin cells, bacteria and dried sebum that blocks the hair follicles in the skin. There is an interaction that results in inflammation of hair follicles. Acne occurs mainly during puberty. By a person's early to mid 20, hormone levels usually have decreased enough that acne lessens. the use of certain drugs like steroids can worsen acne. Many different treatments exist including benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, retinoids, hormonal treatments, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acid,etc

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July 17, 2017

Microneedling also called collagen induction therapy is minimally invasive non surgical procedure that reduces scars caused by acne, surgery and burns. It also helps in reducing stretch marks, fine lines, deep wrinkles and dyspigmentatioon.

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June 3o, 2017

A chemical peel is a professional skin resurfacing procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layers. the peels exfoliate  the top layer of dead skin revealing a new skin layer with improved tone, texture and colour. It is also very effective for acne. Our dermatologist can help you decide what type of peel is most suitable for you based on your skin type. we have a variety of peels suitable for all skin types and we help you decide what is best for your skin.

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July 11, 2017

Melasma is a condition in which areas of the skin become darker than the surrounding skin. It typically occurs on the face, particularly on the forehead, cheeks and above the upper lip. The dark patches can be of any shade and may appear on other sun exposed area of the body. The most important factor in the development is exposure to sunlight. using medications that make you sensitive to the sun can also cause it. The dermatologist can distinguish melasma from other similar skin conditions. There are treatment options such as chemical peels and depigmenting creams.

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Platelet Rich Plasma

April 30, 2017

PRP is a procedure that can provide relief for hair loss and promote facial and hair rejuvenation. The treatment draws on your own blood source, separating the platelets and producing concentrated platelets rich sample. the sample is then injected into the affected area accelerating the healing process and promotiing rejuvenation.


Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra

April 30,  2017

Dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) describes the presence of small multiple 1-5mm diameter, smooth, firm, black or dark brown papules on the face and neck of black skinned people. The do not regress on their own and can increase in size and quality as an individual ages. They can be removed with excellent cosmetic results and give hgh patient satisfaction.

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Hair Loss

April 30, 2017

Hair loss is divided into scaring and non scaring. Non scaring hair loss is potentially reversible. Early treatment can stop the progress depending on the cause, You can loose hair in certain conditions like thyroid disease or intake some drugs. Other causes are familiar, hair products etc. Treatment depends on the cause. In some cases treatment of the underlying cause helps. others include drugs, PRP, transplant etc. If you have hair loss, see a dermatologist to evaluate and discuss treatment options that are good for you


Allergy And Allergy Testing

May 02, 2017

when a person's immune system reacts to a normally harmless substance (substance that do not bother most other people) an allergic reaction occurs. The body behaves as if it is fighting an infection resulting in an inflammatory reaction that can be uncomfortable. a good medical history combined with appropriate allergy test could shed more light about what you are allergic to

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Medical Grade Skin Products 

May 02, 2017

At TheSkinClinic, we offer medical grade skin care products that are designed , tailored and prescribed for each patient depending on their individual requirements. when a patient comes into the clinic they are given a full consultation where the practioner will discuss their concerns regarding their skin and ultimately their expectations. These are all taken into consideration and their optimum skin care routine is recommended.



May 02, 2017

Carboxytherapy is a non surgical procedure performed in the clinic Carbon dioxide gas is injected under the skin. The result is improvement in peripheral micro-circulation under the skin or deep layers depending on how it is injected. Carboxytherapy is used to improve stretch marks, dark circles around the eyes, wrinkle reduction in the lower eyelids and also for skin tightening.



July 16, 2017

we have a wide range of depigmenting solutions suitable for all types of dark spots and budgets

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